Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Which camera for what purpose?

Which camera for what purpose?

The digital camera has revolutionized photography from the perspective of the consumer.
Now anyone can select, edit and schedule his shots with ease or efficiency of a professional.
Occasional photographer, amateur or expert, find the camera model that best suits your purpose.
Essential characteristicsResolutionThe first feature to consider when choosing a digital camera is the resolution, which translates into millions of pixels. The pixel is the reproduction unit of the light points. The more pixels, more details are well rendered and the picture can be enlarged by definition good. From 8 megapixels, excellent photo prints were obtained.Sensor sizeBut be careful: Contrary to popular belief, high high pixel count does not necessarily mean good quality.
In fact, each pixel corresponds to a picture sent by a small photoelectric sensor ("photosite" conversion of light into electrical signal) electrical signal. Apparatus will 10Mpix sensor with 10 million photosites.
Thus, over the sensor of the camera is smaller, the photosites are "tight" and small (imagine you do get 100 people in a concert hall and a small studio of 20m ²: it is the same). But that says little photosite, said sensitivity to noise and diffraction: So pictures will be of a lesser quality.
The size of the reference sensor (the largest) is the size "full-frame" defined by the size of the film used in film cameras: 24x36mm. Then came the so-called "APS-C" for most SLR cameras sensors, and finally much smaller, are the sensors of compact digital cameras.

So as you can see in the diagram, the sensors of compact cameras are much smaller, a compact 12Mpix have a lower quality of a DSLR APS-C or full format 12Mpix also pictured. Because the latter, the photosites are older.The zoomDigital cameras usually have all optical zoom that allows you to adjust the sharpness of a subject, the increase or decrease without loss. Its power can vary from simple to triple a device to another. Depending on their needs, you can add a removable zoom on some devices (on reflex and hybrid only).We distinguish the optical zoom magnification for a real shooting, the digital zoom is in fact limited to cropping.Memory and writing speedThe photos from a digital camera are stored in the internal memory of the unit of small capacity. An external memory card is required to take more photographs and better quality (high definition pictures weighs more). With a 2GB memory card, you can store up to 600 photos in low resolution. Capacity up to 32GB now.
When you invest in memory cards, do not forget to take into account the speed of writing. For devices with high pixel count, better to have a high writing speed (100x or more) to ensure that, when shooting in burst, writing images to the card follow the pace of photography !AutonomyIf the camera you selected works with batteries, use two sets of rechargeable batteries if you do not want to ruin batteries. The ideal is the battery-operated camera and take a second to never find yourself stranded.
All these features are provided in the product pages of each digital camera. We recommend that you read them carefully before making your choice to see if the characteristics displayed fit the use you want to make your camera.Types of camerasThe CompactThis is the smallest digital cameras. Designed to take anywhere without being noticed, the compact camera is for the amateur photographer who likes to take pictures of the moment without complicated settings. Lightweight, compact, this is the ideal accessory for travel, concerts, parties and family meals. For small as for big occasions, the compact device is the ultimate souvenir photo. We love ultra compact: a jewel pocket!The BridgesWhy Bridge? Because as the name suggests, it is the bridge between the Compact for its ergonomic side and Reflex for the accuracy of manual settings. If you were accustomed to imposing case of a film camera, you'll love the lightness of the Bridge.As for the Compact, visualization is done with a digital display on the back of the unit. The Bridge usually has a powerful built-in zoom: up to X18.Convenient and compact, the Bridge also has technical capabilities that appeal to serious photographers and aesthetes who enjoy taking beautiful pictures with ease.HybridsHybrid arrived on the market recently (2011). They are mounted between compact and SLR. Usually the case in a compact size, the sensor has an intermediate size between the sensors and compact cameras, so quality gain. Hybrids are usually delivered with a target called "pancake" (due to its shape) but it is possible to change lenses. Finally hybrids are kind of "mini reflex" with a good quality picture with a smaller footprint. More info here: SLRThis is the camera for photography lovers, but rather is intended for experts and an informed public. With its many features, the SLR can take pictures with a professional look. It has many automated functions, but its use is rather dedicated to manual settings for greater precision.The camera SLR can accommodate various objectives for each situation: group photos, nature, landscapes, scenic views, macro, sports events ...SLRs are equipped with features and options that allow a real comfort for the photographer. Optical viewfinder, burst mode, set auto focus, stabilizer. Its many options will appeal to connoisseurs.

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